Female Head Base Mesh + Flora Speedup process

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Flora Bust sculpt done in celebration of zpixel 🌱.

Flora process - mini kit

What's Included:

- Flora Speedup process (zbrush)

- My custom Female Head Base Mesh (Zbrush ztl and FBX)

- Female Head Base Mesh preview

- Zbrush Lighting Setup (Lights alone)

- Please note : this kit does not include the final flora sculpt, but instead the tools to create it!

Thanks for the support !

Pixel / Zakia <3

I want this!

- Flora Speedup process (zbrush) - My custom Female Head Base Mesh (Zbrush ztl and FBX) - Female Head Base Mesh preview - Zbrush Lighting Setup (Lights alone)

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Female Head Base Mesh + Flora Speedup process

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I want this!